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Get more qualified leads with lead generation software.

Lead Generation &
Sales Automation Tools

Our platform offers you a suite of products that you can use for your marketing in order to grow your company, find leads, send emails, create a chatbot and more. Best software for lead generation

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lead & Marketing

lead & marketing

Our package includes multiple lead generation tools that you can use to grow your company.

quality leads

qualified lead more sales

All our tools are oriented to drive new leads and customers to your company to make it grow.

unlimited access

unlimited access

We offer Unlimited access to all the software - without limit, no anymore pay for leads!

Companies grow for the better with ScaleXFactor

get better result with more qualified leads, which converts into high-value customers


company name
into leads

Find leads from a list of companies. You will be able to get leads from a list of companies or domains. The software is perfect for B2B companies, Sales and Growth Hackers. The best enrich software to find leads. Ideal for generating leads to prospect them by cold email. Find business emails and leads information. Export leads directly to Excel with business data.


website url
into leads

You can upload a list of domains and extracts emails, social media URLs, and usernames (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), phone numbers on all pages of each website. A report is available to download as Excel once all the emails are extracted. This is the best solution to extract all emails from a list of websites (companies).


compay & name
into leads

You will be able to upload a CSV with this information: first name, last name, and company name (or domain). Once you upload the data, the tool will try to find the email of each contact from the email format (for example, first.last@company.com). This tool is perfect for discovering emails from a list of business data.


Chatbot convert
Website Visitors
into Leads

Convert your visitors into leads. Automatically chat with your visitors and capture data from them. You will be able to install a chatbot to capture information from your visitors. The collected leads information could be sent by email, SMS (mobile number), or directly into a Slack channel.


Get More Online Reviews
with Reivew management

You can install a simple widget on your websites to increase reviews and force your visitors to put a review about your website. It's perfect for any business or local business to increase its customers reviews. It works with Google, Yelp, and Facebook reviews. This technology helps to increase real organic reviews by driving visitors to the review page.


API To Prevent
Fake Emails Registration

Each time someone registers to your service, ping this API to verify if the email is correct and not a disposable email to prevent fake registration.


Send email Newsletter
Sequence & Campaigns

A simple software to create emailing or sequence campaigns. Make your customers sending newsletters or cold emails (send emails until recipients reply) by adding their own SMTP provider and IMAP. Track opens, clicks, bounce, unsubscribe, replies and create nice emailing campaigns in plain text or HTML. Give your customers the power to do emailing campaigns at scale with high volume. Design nice newsletters or simple cold emails with the simple online editor.


Extract B2B Emails
From Porfessional
Networking Platforms

Extract emails and contacts from B2B social media. Find new leads in one click and create targeted lists. Our system will help you to find leads based on job title, location, country, industry, and company size.


Increase Credibility
Social Proof Notification
Website Widget

Generate and display notifications on your website by installing a widget to show random messages to your visitors. This will increase your sales and credibility.


Get numbers & emails,
Daily New Registered
Domains Owners

Daily dump of all domains created on the Internet, that's mean all new companies. You will get around +100K leads of new domains created each day with location, phone numbers, emails, domains, registered date, and more. It's perfect for capturing new companies created on the Internet and generate new leads from it by selling SEO, marketing services, WordPress websites, development or content creation, etc.

Not sure what's better for you?

You can start for free, as long as you fell in love with our product, you can decide to upgrade to the Pro plan.
Registration is free and secured, so you can test the products for free and upgrade in Pro after.

Industries We Serve

Our tools serves a proven results to industries below.


Real estate


Tour & Travels





















No Hidden Charges

The perfect toolkit to get more leads

Access in Unlimited to all the features

It's very simple to use the products, just register and try the Trial on each product. Easy to use With the Pro plan you will get Unlimited access to the platform and all the products we offer without any limit.

Register to Access - 7 Days Free Trial

1000+ businesses loved us..

Follow over 10,000 businesses in the world using our products on a daily basis.

Our product is used by thousands of companies and help them daily.

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Check answers of all Frequently Asked Questions

When you buy our product, you will get a full access in Unlimited to the product and will have no limitation about using the features.

Since you report us a support question we try to make our best to find out what is going on, depending on the case it could take more or less time, however a standard time could be minutes or hours.

At any time you can connect on your dashboard and pause your subscription. You can also delete your credit card and cancel your subscription at any time.

Yes! Invoices are automatically created once you upgrade on the product or each month when your subscription renews automatically.

Yes, you can contact us to let us know your needs. If your suggestion represents any value to both we can include it as a part of the product. Please note it could take some time in order for the feature to be implemented.


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